Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dan Dan Anyone?

Today after church my family and I went to the new restaurant Wok Box in the Wal Mart plaza. I have been there before, and this was my second time going. The food is always fabulous. Today I decided to have the spiciest thing in the restaurant and ordered Dan Dan. Now, I am a spice person and can tolerate spice to a pretty high degree. I just love spicy food. This Dan Dan was so spicy that I actually had a tear run down my cheek, made me drink 2 glasses of coke and half a glass of milk. The wonderful taste kept me coming back for more! It was delicious. I had probably eaten 1/8 of my Dan Dan before I decided that I would save some for later. If you haven't gone to Wok Box yet, I would suggest you go and try it out because they continue to amaze me! 


Real Estate Blog for Vancouver Island said...

Thanks, Mercedes! I was wondering about this new restaurant and am sure to go now!

Barb Robinson

Mikayla Joy Donovan said...

Your so funny funny!!! Thats rich!!